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Social Engineering Testing

Evaluating Your Human Firewall

Social engineering testing focuses on assessing your organization's susceptibility to social engineering attacks. These attacks attempt to manipulate human psychology to trick employees into divulging sensitive information, granting access to systems, or transferring funds.


Why Choose ON IT HUB for Social Engineering Testing?

  • Realistic Scenarios: Our experienced testers design scenarios that mimic real-world social engineering tactics like phishing emails, phone calls impersonating IT support, or urgent requests from seemingly legitimate sources.
  • Employee Awareness Evaluation: Identify employees who might be susceptible to social engineering tactics and require additional training.
  • Improved Security Culture: Social engineering testing can raise awareness of these threats and empower employees to become a stronger human firewall.
  • Targeted Security Training: Use the test results to tailor security awareness training programs to address specific vulnerabilities identified among your employees.
  • Reduced Risk of Data Breaches: By improving employee awareness, you can significantly reduce the risk of social engineering attacks leading to data breaches.

Features for Social Engineering Testing

  • Phishing Campaigns: Conduct simulated phishing attacks to test employees' susceptibility to phishing emails and assess their awareness of phishing threats.
  • Spear Phishing Assessments: Customize phishing attacks to target specific individuals or departments within the organization, testing for targeted social engineering tactics.
  • Vishing (Voice Phishing) Testing: Test employees' responses to voice-based social engineering attacks, such as phone calls impersonating trusted entities to gather sensitive information.
  • Smishing (SMS Phishing) Testing: Evaluate employees' awareness of SMS-based social engineering attacks, such as fraudulent text messages containing malicious links or requests for sensitive information.
  • Physical Impersonation Testing: Assess physical security by attempting to gain unauthorized access to facilities or sensitive areas through impersonation tactics (e.g., posing as a delivery person, maintenance worker).
  • USB Drop Testing: Place USB devices containing malware or malicious payloads in public areas or targeted locations to test employees' actions when encountering unknown devices.
  • Social Media Profiling: Gather publicly available information from social media platforms to create targeted social engineering scenarios and assess employees' susceptibility to social manipulation.
  • Tailgating and Piggybacking Tests: Test employees' adherence to physical security protocols by attempting to gain unauthorized entry to secured areas by tailgating or piggybacking behind authorized individuals.
  • Awareness Training Evaluation: Assess the effectiveness of security awareness training programs through social engineering tests to measure employees' knowledge retention and response to social engineering threats.
  • Reporting and Response Assessment: Evaluate employees' ability to recognize and report suspicious social engineering attempts promptly, as well as the organization's response procedures to social engineering incidents.

Benefits of Social Engineering Testing

  • Proactive Threat Detection: Identify weaknesses in your human defenses before they can be exploited by attackers.
  • Improved Security Awareness: Raise employee awareness of social engineering tactics and best practices for protecting sensitive information.
  • Enhanced Security Culture: Foster a culture of security awareness where employees are actively vigilant against social engineering attempts.
  • Reduced Risk of Human Error: Minimize the chances of employees falling victim to social engineering attacks due to lack of awareness.
  • Demonstrate Due Diligence: Social engineering testing can be used as evidence of your commitment to security awareness for compliance purposes.

Our Approach to Social Engineering Testing

We work with you to define the target audience, test scenarios, and desired outcomes.

Our team develops realistic social engineering scenarios based on common attack methods.

Trained testers launch the social engineering attempts via email, phone, or in-person interactions.

We provide a detailed report outlining the test results, employee responses, and recommendations for improvement.

We can help develop or deliver targeted security awareness training based on the test findings.

Employees are often the first line of defense against cyberattacks. Social engineering testing is a crucial tool for evaluating your organization's susceptibility to these attacks and identifying areas where employee awareness can be improved. By strengthening your human firewall, you can significantly reduce your overall risk of cyber threats.

It's important to note that social engineering testing should be conducted ethically and with the knowledge and consent of your employees.

Contact ON IT HUB today to learn how our Social Engineering Testing services can help you evaluate your human firewall and empower your employees to become a stronger defense against social engineering attacks.

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