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Acronis Advanced Email Security


Intercept modern email-borne attacks within seconds

Block email threats, including spam, phishing, business email compromise (BEC), account takeover (ATO), malware, advanced persistent threats (APTs), and zero-days before they reach end users’ mailboxes. Leverage this next-generation, cloud-based email security solution for holistic protection.

Why your business needs Acronis Advanced Email Security?


  • 94% of malware is delivered via email
  • Phishing attacks account for more than 80% of reported security incidents
  • 98% of attacks rely on social engineering
  • 80% of breaches are new or unknown “zero-day attacks”

  • APTs (advanced persistent threats) go undetected, on average, 71 days in the Americas, 177 days in EMEA, and 204 days in APAC
  • 43% of organizations experience false alerts in 1/5 of detection cases
  • Traditional sandboxing solutions take between 7 and 20 minutes to deliver a verdict

  • 53% of security professionals admit that the number of security tools is so burdensome that it adversely impacts security and increases risk
  • 84% of organizations are experiencing an IT security skills shortage

How Acronis Advanced Email Security helps protect your business

Malware and Ransomware

Malware and ransomware

Malware – including viruses, ransomware, spyware, worms, and Trojans - is most commonly delivered via malicious payloads – files and URLs. Thousands of new malware variants appear each day. Legacy solutions fall short when dealing with advanced evasion techniques and defending collaboration platforms.

Advanced Email Security helps you stop malware with multi-layered defenses, including:

  • Anti-evasion – Detect hidden malicious content
  • Threat intelligence – Stay ahead of emerging threats
  • Anti-phishing filters – Detect malicious URLs
  • Antivirus engines – Stop known malware
  • Next-generation dynamic engine – Catch zero-days and APTs that evade conventional defenses


Phishing attacks are the root of 91% of all cyberattacks, as reported by CSO Online. They leverage social engineering to deceive their target and gain access to sensitive information by employing files, URLs, and text-based techniques posing as legitimate sources.

Advanced Email Security helps prevent phishing before it reaches end-users with:

  • Anti-evasion – Unpack deeply embedded, hidden phishing attempts
  • URL reputation – Block known, malicious URLs based on four leading URL reputation engines
  • Image recognition engine – Block unknown malicious URLs based on the images and logos used on webpages
  • Threat intelligence – Combine six market-leading sources and Perception Point’s unique engine

Business email compromise (BEC)

Impersonation-based attacks trick employees into making innocent mistakes, thinking they’re communicating with a person they know. A significant part of BEC attempts do not have a malicious payload and leverage only text-based techniques, making them especially tricky to detect and prevent.

The Advanced Email Security helps prevent impersonation attempts with:

  • Anti-spoofing - Prevent payload-less attacks through machine-learning algorithms with IP reputation, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC record checks
  • Anti-evasion – Deep scan to detect malicious hidden content
  • Payload-based protection – Reduce “further along the line” BEC attacks with threat intelligence, phishing, and antivirus engines
Zero Days and APTs

Zero-days and APTs

Zero-days and APTs are especially hard to catch and prevent. They can lie in wait and strike months before they’re discovered by leveraging unknown software vulnerabilities. Standard APT modules, such as sandboxes or content disarm and reconstruction solutions (CDRs), rely on known data and behaviors that evasion techniques can mask when in a sandbox.

Advanced Email Security's market-leading technology helps you prevent zero-days and APTs:

  • Next-generation dynamic scan – Stop zero-days and APTs with a unique CPU-level technology that detects and blocks advanced attacks at the exploit stage, before malware release, based on the assembly code

Evasion techniques

Email-borne attacks are getting trickier to detect. Attackers use evasion techniques such as new file types, link chains, malicious content hidden within clean files, stalling mechanisms that sandboxes can’t observe, ensuring the malicious payload takes action only when facing actual end-users. For conventional defenses, preventing such techniques is almost impossible as it takes too much time, money, and technological resources.

The Advanced Email Security uses unique technology to prevent evasion techniques that conventional defenses miss:

  • Anti-evasion - Recursively unpack the content into smaller units which are then dynamically checked by multiple engines in under 30 seconds, compared to 20+ minutes for legacy sandboxing solutions.
Account Take Over

Account takeover (ATO)

Account takeover (ATO) has been increasingly commoditized through the cybercriminal ecosystem — whether the target is business email or a company’s bank accounts. Known also as account compromise, ATO occurs when a cyber attacker gains control of a legitimate account. Once they have control of an account, attackers can launch a variety of attacks, such as supply-chain phishing, BEC attacks, data exfiltration, financial fraud, etc. There are no preliminary signs of such an attack; in most cases, once the signs of ATO are obvious, the damage has already been done.

Advanced Email Security helps you to intercept account takeover attempts, at any stage — ready to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond with multiple defense layers:

  • Prevent credential theft — block phishing attempts to steal employees’ credentials with multiple engines
  • Monitor accounts for signs of compromise — analyzes end user patterns and behaviors and uses machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies that could suggest an account has been compromised
  • Instantly detect and remediate compromised accounts — ensure fast remediation and account containment by the incident response team in the event of account takeover

What makes Acronis Advanced Email Security unique?

Leverage a single, multilayered email security solution for lightning-fast detection that’s easy to deploy and manage

  • Ensure every bit of content (emails, files and URLs) is analyzed at any scale and a clear verdict is delivered in seconds across inbound and outbound emails.

  • Block sophisticated threats that evade conventional defenses with a unique CPU-level analysis that acts earlier in the attack chain than other technologies to block threats at the exploit stage, prior to malware release.

  • Cloud-native deployment within a few minutes without the need for additional configurations to reduce administrative burdens associated with standard SEG (secure email gateway) solutions. Automatic, effortless provisioning for Microsoft 365

  • Empower your service delivery team with direct access to cyber analysts and email security experts that monitor all customer traffic and analyze malicious intents with ongoing reporting and support, including handling FPs, remediating and releasing as required.

  • Leverage an unmatched detection speed that enables you to prevent all threats before they reach end-users – which is better than the reactive approach of standard email security technologies.

Enhance native Microsoft 365 defenses with fast, threat-agnostic protection

Clients are increasingly dissatisfied with the native defense capabilities of Microsoft 365, as they are slow in detection and unable to prevent more advanced attack techniques. Advanced Email Security ensures all email-borne threats are blocked in seconds.

Functionality Advanced Email Security Microsoft 365
Detection speed < 30 sec 5-20 mins
Detection accuracy
Threat coverage
URL scanning
Detection of zero days
Prevention of APTs
Prevention of ATO
Anti-evasion (add on)
Incident response services

Multi-layered protection

Seven layers of protection against modern email-borne threat

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Anti-evasion: Recursively unpacks embedded files and URLs into their individual components to identify hidden malicious content

**Anti-spoofing: Catch any impersonation attempt or BEC with a machine learning-based technology that inspects all relevant data and metadata (IP reputation, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC record checks; text and metadata analysis; scoring of senders; other algorithms) to detect spoofing attempts well before they reach the end-user

***Next-generation dynamic detection: Unique CPU-level technology that acts earlier in the attack chain (at the exploit stage, prior to malware release) by analyzing the execution flow during runtime by reading the assembly code to catch and stop advanced threats such as APTs and zero-days.

Anti-spam engine: Stop unwanted spam emails once and for all

Receives emails and applies anti-spam and reputation-based filters, including IP reputation checks, to block malicious or unwanted communications

  • Block malicious attempts
  • Quickly flag emails
  • Clear the clutter in emails due to spam
Anti-spam engine

Anti-evasion: Detect malicious content hidden within clean content

Separates embedded files and URLs into their individual components to identify hidden malicious content

  • Recursively extracts embedded URLs and files — unpacking files and following URLs at any nesting level.
  • All of the extracted components go separately through the next security layers.
  • Unique algorithms run the same files and URLs in multiple versions and patterns to make sure the attack is not leveraging unseen evasion mechanisms

Threat intelligence: Stay ahead of emerging threats

Leverage powerful threat intelligence to stop potential or current attacks:

  • Threat intelligence from multiple market-leading sources
  • Combined with a custom engine that collects information on URLs and files from protected customers and from the wild

Increase reactiveness to threats:

  • Don’t miss any threat that appears in the wild — leverage the combined knowledge of external security vendors and the cyber community
Threat Intelligence

Anti-phishing engines: Keep phishing attacks from tormenting end users

Catches phishing attacks and impersonation techniques based on content analysis with multiple phishing filters:

  • URL reputation engines from market-leading sources
  • Unique image recognition technology catches malicious URLs based on the images and logos used on the web page
  • Lexical analysis of the URL
  • Reputation vector of various parameters of the sender and the recipient
  • Block known and unknown malicious URLs

Anti-spoofing: Prevent business email compromise (BEC), including look-alike domain, and display-name deception

Machine learning-based technology inspects all relevant data and metadata to identify any deviation from standard operations and to detect suspicious content well ahead it reaches the end user:

  • IP reputation, SPF (sender policy framework), DKIM (domainkeys identified mail) and DMARC (domain-based message authentication reporting and conformance) record checks
  • Machine learning, text and metadata analysis, scoring of senders, and other algorithms
  • Catch any impersonation attempt

Antivirus for emails (signature-based detection): Stop any known email-borne malware in seconds

Strengthen your local anti-malware solution with another layer of protection that’s specifically developed for preventing email-borne threats:

  • Applies best-in-class, signature-based detection to emails and files to identify malicious attacks based on a traditional approach to detection in combination with modern technologies
  • Combines multiple signature-based, antivirus engines
  • A custom technology that identifies highly complicated signatures and applies additional static analysis methods
Antivirus for email

Next-generation dynamic detection for APTs and zero days: Prevent advanced attacks that evade conventional defenses

Unique CPU-level technology that acts earlier in the kill chain than any other solution. It blocks attacks at the exploit phase by analyzing the applications’ execution flow during runtime to identify deviations from standard flow based on the assembly code:

  • True APT prevention — analysis at the exploit stage (pre-malware release)
  • Clear verdict within 10 seconds on average — much quicker than sandboxing solutions
  • No compromising on content functionality — unlike CDR (content disarm and reconstruction) solutions
Next-generation dynamic detection

Detect and mitigate account takeover (ATO) for Microsoft 365

Take back control over email accounts

The Advanced Email Security pack is now able to detect account takeover attacks — ready to detect, mitigate, and rapidly respond:

  • Constant monitoring of email accounts for anomalies suggesting a compromise (e.g., logins from suspicious geo-locations or creating forwarding rules)
  • Rapid response, including remediation and account isolation by the incident response team in the event of a compromise

Outbound email scanning for Microsoft 365

Detect outgoing malicious emails

Reduce the risk of reputational damage for clients:

  • Anti-phishing
  • Malware detection
  • Enhances the inbound protection accuracy with better visibility in communications with external sources
  • Available via API-based scanning for Microsoft 365

Complete protection for

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Including call protection

  • Back up from Microsoft data centers directly to cloud storage
  • Automatically protect new Microsoft 365 users, groups and sites
  • Search through Microsoft 365 backups to get quick access to your backed-up data
  • Support of Microsoft 365 data centers in Germany
Unlimited Acronis cloud storage for personal Microsoft 365 mailboxes

Complete protection for

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Unlimited Acronis-hosted storage for Google Drive and OneDrive

Protection for collaboration apps

Prevent attacks across all collaboration channels (not just email)

In the remote work era, collaboration apps are the weakest link. Advanced Security and Advanced Management packs for Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud ensure all collaboration apps are protected against attacks:

  • For: Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, Slack
  • Prioritized patching for collaboration apps (Advanced Management)
  • Exploit prevention for collaboration apps (Advanced Security)

Proven Regulatory compliance

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